Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What is the best financial planning software?

what is the best financial planning software i can use to guide me through a project for my financial planning course? something intermediate.
Right now, "How to survive the Great Depression"

What is easier to get into in Australia - Accounting or Financial Planning?
Also what is a better and more financially rewarding career? I'm looking at a career change, however it looks like I really need a uni degree for accounting and then start out on relitavly low wages. i was hoping I was wrong about that? Would financial planning be a quicker career to get into and start making decent money?

Like mutual funds and financial planning for other people, but I hate cold calling. Any job ideas?
I am series 7, 6, 63 licensed and have worked as a registered representative and an internal wholesaler. I have decided that I do not like wholesaling, but really like financial planning and mutual funds. I love sitting down with people and educating them about their finances. The only problem is that I do not like phone work at all. Cold calling is very difficult for me and not something that I wish to do. I also like managing other people and having leadership type roles.
Sounds like you have all the qualities to be a successful counselor in financial matters, but not the personality of a salesperson. Have you ever thought about teaching at a local community college, or working for a credit counseling place? as you probably know, sales is king in financial services.

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